Association Officers

Geoff Liddle
Simon Clayton
John Morton
Welfare Officer
Welcome to Bishop Auckland RA!  We are a friendly bunch of football referees officiating across the Bishop Auckland and district area and at all levels of the game, from grassroots right up to the professional game in the EFL.  We meet on the third Thursday of every month at The Manor pub in Bishop Auckland.  We arrange guest speakers, have a monthly quiz and generally provide a supportive and friendly environment for fellow referees to meet, chat, enjoy a drink and a bite to eat.

Meeting information

Meetings on the third Thursday of the month (September to April) starting at 7:30PM


The Manor Public House, Cornwall Place, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 6UR

Get directions

Join the Referees Association

The National RA recommends that prospective members should join through their local LRA, the easiest way being to attend one of the many local association meetings that take place across the country on a regular (usually monthly) basis. Find your nearest branch now.

Alternatively, online membership is now available for any referee who wishes to take up central membership. The National RA will then allocate you a local branch. Join now.