North Oxfordshire RA member, Nigel Lambert tells us his story of how he helped to save a players life during a game he was officiating, Oxford University Women’s Blues v Southampton Ladies.  
“Towards the end of the first half, there was a collision in the penalty area involving an Oxford defender and a Southampton forward. The Oxford player landed heavily and, as she had not moved,
I immediately stopped the game and then found that she had swallowed her tongue and was fitting.
The Oxford goalkeeper, who is a medical student and I, using my first-aid training, set about the difficult task of freeing the tongue. The player was unconscious and the situation was clearly serious.
The Southampton coach quickly joined in and was competent and professional.
The Southampton captain supported the injured player’s head and talked to her. The player started to breathe and gradually regained consciousness.
Two ambulance crews attended and took over the care of the player. She was taken to hospital where she was retained. Fortunately, she appears to have fully recovered.
Having established that both teams wished to complete the match I sent them to the changing rooms for an extended half-time break. The match was successfully completed.
This incident is a reminder that, as referees, we must be prepared for the more serious injuries”.

The Referees' would like to congratulate and thank Nigel for his swift response to the incident and we wish the player a speedy recovery. 

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