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On the evening of Thursday 10th November 2022 in a joint venture with the Worcestershire Football Association, Worcestershire County Referees' Association welcomed around 40 attendees who enjoyed the fourth ‘Referee Showcase’ event held within the County in the last 12 months. On this occasion held at Evesham United FC with thanks to our hosts Evesham RA. 

These Showcase events were born as a result of the dwindling number of referees within the County who were not registered members of The Referees' Association, creating opportunities for us to showcase the talent of Referees within our area by offering grassroots training and development and encourage the support and membership benefits of joining the Association by inviting all registered Referees within the WFA to join our events which initially have been held in Worcester and Kidderminster respectively.  
The concept of the initiative and evenings were designed and Championed by Worcestershire County RA Chairman Marvyn Amphlett and Committee member Nick Huxley, wholly supported by Ollie Williams Chief Operating Officer of the WFA. Using locally selected talented officials from our WFA CORE team facilitating interactive training sessions and the opportunity to enforce the positive messages of joining a local Referees Society.

During our fourth showcase event, hosts Marvyn Amphlett and John Roskelly, Evesham RA Secretary opened the evening, respecting a minutes silence ahead of Remembrance day which was then preceded by a training session on ‘communication’ led by WFA CORE Level 3 Referee and FA Referee tutor Dan Pattison alongside Level 4 Referee Jack Rose, using local clips to facilitate discussion and active participation during an interactive session for all Referees.   Following the training session, The RA Vice chairman Steve Oakey and NYRDT Midlands representative Lewis Smith were introduced, first Steve subtly shared an important message and outlined the difference between an RA and non-RA Member particularity focusing on the risks of not being a member as opposed to the valuable benefits and support available for those part of the RA
Lewis then took to the floor and enthusiastically shared the vision of the NYRDT and his pledge to support all young members within local societies across the Midlands region – certainly encouraging the opportunities for all young Referees to play a part in making the RA an organisation to be part of now and in the future.
Before officially drawing a close to the evenings event, John invited former RA Board Vice Chairman Ian Campbell to the floor who surprised current RA President Paul Field with an award for his outstanding contribution to the Referees Association and undeniable commitment serving as a Board member and Chairman during his time in office, still making a valuable contribution to this day.  A fitting tribute to close the evening and was warmly congratulated by all those present.
The WCRA in partnership with the WFA intend to run a ‘Referee Showcase’ number five in the early months of 2023. 

Our Partnerships

Partnerships are often formed between individuals, agencies or organisations with a shared interest to address specific issues. Our evidence reveals that our members young and old often require mental, emotional, financial, medical help, support and guidance. The Referees’ Association champion the work of those agencies that provide this support in times of need. Should you require support please contact the relevant agency below or the RA Head Office.
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Join the Referees Association

The National RA recommends that prospective members should join through their local LRA, the easiest way being to attend one of the many local association meetings that take place across the country on a regular (usually monthly) basis. Find your nearest branch now.

Alternatively, online membership is now available for any referee who wishes to take up central membership. The National RA will then allocate you a local branch. Join now.