This year we welcome some new faces on to The RA Board (namely Nathan Mattick, George Lowe and Joe Larkin), whilst being delighted that John Wilson was also re-elected.

What is particularly pleasing is the injection of a younger group of people with bright ideas and energy who are prepared to challenge the way we work, whilst also understanding the founding principles of The Referees’ Association in respect of Welfare, Training & Education, Representation and the general refereeing family.
Nathan, Joe and George are not new to working with the Board, since they have all been Honorary Officers of the RA in specific capacities, and as Chairman I have always encouraged youthful enterprise.

You will recall that when we started the Youth Council back in 2012, we said that the future of The RA is with younger people.  During the last 4 or 5 years, all three have helped and supported The RA by engaging with various events and activities which we have undertaken.

What I find particularly pleasing is that we have now established a pathway from the NYRDT (formerly the Youth Council) to the RA Board, and hopefully in future years this will continue.
During the past 12 months, the work from Joe, George and Nathan has been outstanding in respect of arranging Zoom development sessions, facilitating Development Days, and generally delivering some great stuff.  All of this is really encouraging, and I hope they will be given the chance to flourish and to grow into their new Board roles.
John Wilson is well known to many, being an RA Life Member who joined the Board in 2012 at a time when The RA was facing huge difficulties.  John gives incredible time and support to The RA, and goes way beyond the Association’s motto of “Service before Self”.
Our membership should be delighted with the make-up of the new Board for 2021-22, and we congratulate all those who have been elected on to it.

Our Partnerships

Partnerships are often formed between individuals, agencies or organisations with a shared interest to address specific issues. Our evidence reveals that our members young and old often require mental, emotional, financial, medical help, support and guidance. The Referees’ Association champion the work of those agencies that provide this support in times of need. Should you require support please contact the relevant agency below or the RA Head Office.
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Join the Referees Association

The National RA recommends that prospective members should join through their local LRA, the easiest way being to attend one of the many local association meetings that take place across the country on a regular (usually monthly) basis. Find your nearest branch now.

Alternatively, online membership is now available for any referee who wishes to take up central membership. The National RA will then allocate you a local branch. Join now.